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Commercial Electrician

Do you have a retail business, an office or a workplace that needs wiring? 
Millerwatts Electrical are also commercial electricians. 
Does this matter? Yes! Why? 

Commercial electricians are trained and licensed electricians who focus on the wiring and electrical systems in commercial buildings.  These are bigger systems, like shopping centers, office blocks, restaurants, government building and high rises. These environments often have larger networks of set ups that require specialist connections, large electrical systems, data systems and fire systems which all need to be installed up to a high standard. 


This can include:

  • Installation of wiring ane electrical components 
  • Switches 
  • Lights 
  • Large scale electrical boards with multiple circuit boards 
  • Data cabling 
  • Fire Systems 
  • Entry and Exit Signs 
  • Maintaining of these electrical systems 
  • Inspection of these electrical systems to ensure they are up to the federal, state and local codes.

Millerwatts commercial electricians also have the expertise to plan and diagram commercial electrical systems which are often required for government legislation. However, if the plans have already been provided by the Project Manager Millerwatts has the skills to do the installation, run the electrical wiring and terminate the switches, install the circuit breaker panels and relays, install the instruments that control the power, install the lighting, install the heating, install commercial kitchens, the safety switches, the fire entrance and exits and whatever other items that are required for commercial electrical installations. 

Using electrical test meters and ohmmeters, commercial electricians ensure the continuity of wiring to ascertain compatibility and safety of the components. These tests may be performed during the installation of a new electrical system, to ensure its proper performance. The tests are also used to locate shorts and system breaks. After locating the source of the problem, the electrician repairs or replaces the wiring and conduits as needed. 

One of the most overlooked, yet important part of all commercial buildings is the Exit and Emergency Light Testing. This job falls directly to Commercial Electricians, such as Millerwatts, and should be kept maintained as a priority. 

Millerwatts Electrical have the full run down on all emergency/exit lighting systems and can install, test and maintain your system. Why? Emergency Lighting, unlike normal lights, need to stay on when there is a mains power failure on the normal lighting circuit. To ensure that these are working they should be tested regularly. 



Manual – This is where a “stimulated” mains failure can be created by isolating all the circuits to find out if each individual emergency lighting is working correctly. However, this could close a whole office block, or at least some levels, to make it necessary for the tester to walk the whole circuit ensuring that all the emergency lights are functioning properly as well as recharging. Even though this can cause a major disruption to the workforce, it is recommended that this type of test is performed at least once a year. 

Automatic – This is where tools are used to test individual emergency lights, whilst keeping the circuits “alive”. Depending on the electrical emergency lighting systems, specific tools are used. Millerwatts Electrical have the latest in equipment and tools for most systems and can perform this task for you. 

Regular Servicing

Just remember that regular servicing is essential and there are laws around the requirements of what emergency lighting can do in your commercial building. 

Millerwatts qualified electricians are highly skilled and can complete the tasks required effectively and efficiently, up to the latest codes. We guarantee our work and can complete any testing that is required to ensure that you and your business is connected, and stays connected.

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